Education for Child Abuse Medical Providers

Register for CHAMP

Register for an account including to access the coursework areas provided through this website. You only need to register once to create a Continuing Medical Education account. All fields denoted with an * are required.

Retype password:*
passwords must be a combination of least 8 letters / numbers
at least 1 character must be a number or one of @ # $ % & *
password must have at least 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase letter

Contact Information

First Name:*
Middle Initial: 
Last Name:*
Degree or Certificate:*

Additional or Other Specialty:
Gender Identity:
Required for MOC:†
Date of Birth:
ABP Diplomate ID#:
Check here if you are a medical resident
Name of your institution or affiliation*
Contact Address:

This can be an institution or affiliation address or your home address.

Address Line 1:*
Address Line 2: 
State:* Zip:*
New York State practitioners only: Counties of Practice
(Check all that apply)

I understand that the data that I provide as part of a CHAMP educational program may be used for research purposes regarding continuing education, pending approval by the SUNY Upstate Medical University Institutional Review Board. Choosing not to participate in this research will not affect my course performance evaluation or eligibility for Continuing Medical Education credit in any way whatsoever. *

Today's Date: Feb 10 2025

If your registration is successful, you will next see a screen confirmation.

If you are unable to register, contact JoAnne Race, CHAMP Manager, at