Caring with Compassion

Personal Meaning Statement

Explore writing a Personal Meaning Statement, setting intention for how you wish to show up in your work as a Child Abuse Medical Provider, and why—what do you see as your personal mission in this work? Be open-minded and non-judgmental. This is an exercise you may come back to at any time to add, change, or modify throughout your career.

Examples of Intention Statements:

  • Balance my own self-care in order to show up fully present for my patients, even at times emotionally challenging in the face of abuse
  • Apply medical knowledge to the best of my abilities
  • Offer compassionate, holistic, loving care to all involved

Example of a Personal Meaning Statement:

In my working capacity as a Child Abuse Medical Provider, I hope to alter the trajectory of child maltreatment toward a path of less suffering for all involved (child, parent, alleged perpetrator), ultimately paving the way for opportunity for all to change and heal for a better world.


Without thinking too much, start writing what comes to mind for your Intention and Personal Meaning Statements. Think, how do I want to show up in this work? And what is my unique gift to offer in my career? Remember, this is a work-in-progress and may evolve throughout your career.

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