Caring with Compassion

Defining Moments

Throughout our careers and lives, we may have noteworthy experiences that shift our perspective or allow us to feel profound gratitude. Bringing these moments to the forefront can support Compassion Satisfaction and overall well-being.

Some examples of rewards that may be gained from even very challenging moments in one’s career:

  • Made me a better person
  • Made me wiser
  • Increased my self-awareness
  • Appreciation for human relationships
  • Increased tolerance for ambiguity
  • Increased capacity to enjoy life
  • Felt like spiritual service
  • Resulted in changes in my value system


Reflect on a pivotal moment in your career that led to seeing yourself in a new way and informed "joy of practice," purpose and deeper meaning in your work.

  • What happened?
  • How did it impact your career?
  • Your life?

Maybe give it a name or title and write it on your Compassion Tree.

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