Education for Child Abuse Medical Providers

Every child deserves a skilled medical exam when child abuse is suspected.

CHAMP’s goal is to improve the New York State medical response to suspected child abuse by improving the examination, treatment, documentation, community referral, and management of suspected child abuse cases.

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Test Your Knowledge

Review cases. Take a simple interactive quiz to “Test Your Knowledge" for best practices.


CHAMP-produced resources for medical professionals.

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October 16
November 13
December 11
January 15

CHAMP works through a Network of New York State child abuse medical professionals. The Network is comprised of Faculty, who are certified by the American Board of Pediatrics in child abuse pediatrics; Assistant Faculty, who are physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants working with Faculty; and medical providers who have met the criteria to be Network Members.

We gratefully acknowledge the collaboration and funding support from the New York State Department of Health and the New York State Office of Children and Family Services that makes our work possible.